Berlin – September 2021
The project management of the bk Group in Berlin supported the “Tafel” as part of the bk Social Day.
Germany’s largest food bank has existed in Berlin for 29 years. It supports 125,000 Berliners per month. These are not only homeless people and social welfare recipients, but also low-income earners who, despite having a job, have less left at the end of the month than the current social welfare rate.
Before Corona, the customers of the Tafel could choose the goods themselves at the distribution points. Because of Corona, they now receive pre-packed bags.
The employees of the bk Group packed a total of 495 of these bags.
There are two different types. “Homeless” bags, which must not contain anything that needs to be cooked. And “normal” bags, which are given out to families and others in need of help.
Besides preparing these bags, the bk employees sorted food donations. A certain part is no longer usable and must be disposed of. The aim is to ensure that the customers only receive goods that are in perfect condition and fit for consumption.
The conclusion of the project managers is clear: “The assignment was instructive, beautiful and exciting for us, but also exhausting. It is absolutely admirable what the volunteers and employees of the Berliner Tafel achieve every day.”