Endsee – July 2021
Employees of the bk Group AG left for Adenau in Rhineland-Palatinate on July 22, 2021 as part of the bk Social Day to actively help in the flood area.
Through the flood relief in Adenau, you were assigned to a place that needed help. When the team arrived in the small village of Liers by shuttle bus around 12:00 p.m., they quickly realized the extent of this disaster.
«Unbelievable, what violence must have raged here!» Dietmar Brandt, Manager Team Planning & Construction.
Dead sheep, tons of debris, house parts and gas tanks still lie on the road. The federal highway had completely disappeared into the river Ahr, and the riverbed of the Ahr has swollen to almost four times its width. The driver of the shuttle bus was also the tenant of the village tavern. There, part of the bk Group team immediately began the cleanup work. Clearing the kitchen, shoveling mud from the basement and securing furniture.
Another team helped the neighbor clear his first floor of mud and secure his motorcycle collection. Unusable items were piled up in front of the house. Together with a police unit, the trash and debris were then loaded onto a truck for removal.
The work continued at the small village chapel. There, benches were secured and carried and the interior was cleared of mud with a lot of water. Several more cellars followed, a shed in danger of collapse was demolished by the team and loaded into a wheeled storage unit, and an inner courtyard was cleared of mud, debris and rubble.
The villagers were very grateful for the presence and help. Just talking about what had happened was very important to many local people.
«These images and this tremendous chaos will always be remembered by me and the whole team. We wish the small village of Liers all the best for the future. It will be a very long time before normality will prevail here again. But this strong village community, as we were allowed to get to know it, this «team», will manage it.»
The management of the bk Group AG would like to express special thanks to the employees for this extraordinary effort!