bk Group climate neutral until 2024 - bk Group

The bk Group has been certified climate neutral for over two years. Now we have again secured our status as a climate-neutral company for the years 2023-2024 and offset the greenhouse gas emissions generated by the bk Group.

We have realised that voluntary emission reductions and the offsetting of unavoidable emissions are essential to effectively counteract climate change. That is why we have decided to neutralise our CO2 emissions and thus want to make a contribution to a future worth living. Because we don’t just want to analyse the problems, we want to tackle and solve them.

We have commissioned the external sustainability consultancy Fokus Zukunft to calculate the footprint of our company. In recent years, we have implemented many projects to reduce our local CO2 emissions. According to the principle of the « Clean Development Mechanism » described in the Kyoto Protocol, greenhouse gases that are produced in one place on earth and cannot be avoided should also be reduced in another place through climate protection projects.

In order to offset the greenhouse gases that cannot currently be avoided, we have acquired 1,800 climate protection certificates for the years 2023-2024. With these certificates, we support a bioenergy project in Bulgaria, a solar energy project in India, a wind energy project in Turkey and a water treatment project in Rwanda. You can find the detailed project descriptions at: https://www.fokus-zukunft.com/klimaschutzprojekte.html

We are looking forward to contributing to a more climate-friendly economy in the years to come and to raising awareness for topics such as sustainability, climate protection and resource management.