The first CO2-neutral retail store of the world
Sustainable interior construction makes the difference.
For our client Rituals, we have implemented the first CO2-neutral retail store, because our belief is that sustainability must be promoted intensively in all areas of life. With a large variety of different measures, we were able to reduce the CO2 emissions of this project store to zero. With this concept, our company was the winner of the Green Product Award 2021, among 1461 participants from 51 countries.
We are aware of our responsibility towards our planet and future generations
Every company bears responsibility. We are aware of this responsibility, and we take action.
Climate change is the most serious challenge which humankind faces since the end of the ice age. The success of emission reductions depends largely on voluntary and consistent action by the companies in the industrialized countries. That is why sustainability is deeply ingrained in our corporate culture. Our sustainability concept is based on three pillars: ecology, economy and social issues. After intensive efforts and due to the acquisition of climate protection certificates, we were finally able to even overcompensate for our local CO2 emissions.
Sustainability in our company
Our mobility
We count on electricity.
Mobility is one of the most important means for reducing our emissions. We strongly reduce business travels. Whenever it is possible, we travel by train. At the same time, we are modernizing and electrifying our company fleet. All our leasing vehicles are gradually being replaced by electric cars. For purposes where suitable models are not available yet, we are concentrating on using cars with the best possible efficiency of the drive.
Our alternatives
Our benefits allow alternative solutions
We are increasingly reducing trips to the office through home office and remote work models. Where this is not possible, we encourage our employees to cycle to the office. Bicycle leasing offers and the possibility to have a shower on site make the environmentally friendly alternative to cars attractive.
Our headquarters
A commitment lasting many years.
For many years we have been focusing on sustainability in a lot of different fields. The heating system of our buildings is based on geothermal energy. The cisterns, installed by us, provide enough rainwater for our sanitary facilities. On the roof of our headquarters in Endsee, Bavaria, we operate a photovoltaic system that generates 120 kWh. This enables us to be completely self-sufficient and, in addition, to charge the electric cars of our company’s fleet with environmentally friendly electricity.
In our everyday office life
A commitment lasting many years.
Everyday office life offers large potential for greater sustainability. For example, we were able to eliminate 50% of all printers. Furthermore, we introduced double-sided printing within bk Group as well as the use of recycled paper and ecological printer cartridges. And we could also reduce our power consumption by replacing PC towers with more energy-efficient notebooks.
Our taskforce
We will still progress on this path for a very long time.
The calculation of our carbon footprint has already produced a very good value. And at the same time, it has shown us some fields where we still can improve our results. Because this is our claim. Our constantly active sustainability task force is continuously working on fully exploiting the complete sustainability potential of bk Group.
Our next goal: climate-neutral construction projects.
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“If you are interested in climate-sensitive construction projects or information about our sustainability strategy, we look forward to hearing from you.”