The opening of the first bk World is just around the corner and there is already another highlight to report. We are particularly pleased to announce that bk World has entered into a partnership with former national player Marcell Jansen, who is an entrepreneur and investor in the areas of health and nutrition.
« From the very beginning, an important part of the bk World concept was to offer healthy food to our guests on site. That is why we are very pleased to have Marcell Jansen as a visionary partner at our side, who brings his great expertise in this area and, as an experienced investor in health and food companies, shares the same goals and expectations as we do, » says Marc Arnold, Founder of bk World.
In addition to his work in professional sports, Marcell Jansen is also the initiator and patron of HygieneCircle, a non-profit initiative for new hygiene standards. Beside his investments in various companies related to health and healthy nutrition, he works with his team on the development of further innovative health concepts. Here, too, he focuses on people and the environment.
« The partnership with bk World is based above all on shared values. Sustainability is just as important for me in the food sector as it is for bk World in the overall concept of the lounges. Together, we strive for innovative solutions and are already developing a holistic concept around the topic of healthy nutrition, » promises entrepreneur Marcell Jansen.
At the opening of bk World, guests in the lounges can first look forward to food from Jansens’ restaurant KINNELOA. In addition to selected salads and tatsy vegetable dishes, fresh fruit and low-sugar desserts, visitors can also enjoy refreshing drinks on site. A majority of the dishes are vegetarian or vegan. KINNELOA dishes will be available at bk World in Endsee from 03 June 2022.
But that is just the beginning. A promising business model is emerging from the partnership with Marcell Jansen: a comprehensive product portfolio around the topics of health, sustainability and nutrition – exclusively for bk World.